Why VR is so effective for learning
VR technologies build new brain rules and play with our senses to convincingly transport us to any environment by interpreting it as a new world.
The Effects of Fully Immersive Virtual Reality on the Learning of Physical Tasks
Fully immersive virtual settings are different from traditional virtual reality settings in that they are able to capture full body motion. This ability allows people to use their full range of physical motion to interact with other avatars, computer controlled agents, and objects in the virtual environment.
Intelligent Tutoring Bridging the Gap from Knowing to Doing
Often, our fielded training systems emphasize media for imparting facts, rules, and procedures, followed by simulations or live events where trainees are expected to apply that knowledge. Seemingly missing from this sequence, however, is any support for acquiring the cognitive capabilities that underlie task performance. The result can be trainees who know the facts, but not where and how to use them.
Virtual Memory Palaces – Immersion Aids Recall
In this paper, we explore whether using virtual memory palaces in a head-mounted display with head-tracking (HMD condition) would allow a user to better recall information than when using a traditional desktop display with a mouse-based interaction (desktop condition).